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Success stories

Our patient stories demonstrate that is about far more than easing a financial burden.  When your life or your loved one’s life is at stake, these acts of kindness – payment of water bill, a heating bill or a mortgage - aren’t small moments. These are moments that can last a lifetime.

Pay It Forward Fund
supports cancer Patients when they
need it most

Hear stories from just a few of the women that we have helped.

"Thanks to all their volunteers and those that donate, we didn't have to worry about keeping our kids in our house or food on the table. They just aren't paying a bill, they are giving you peace of mind, breathing room, time to think, a moment to relax, doubt removed; if only for a moment.

Those are the things that you need while you are battling cancer. Because cancer doesn't care if you are a mother of two and you don't have time to "fight" with it. Pay It Forward Fund took away some of my stress, and when you are fighting cancer, that is a really hard thing to do! Thank you again; that really doesn't seem like enough to say, but those are the only words I have"


—  Chalase

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